
Rosen Plevneliev: We should not Let the Memory about the Holocaust Slip Away Together with the Last Surviving Witnesses

27 January 2015 | 13:01
“The crimes of Nazism should not be forgotten. We cannot let the memory of the Holocaust just slip away with the last surviving witnesses,” President Rosen Plevneliev said at the session of the Heads of State within the 4th International "Let My People Live!" Forum in Prague. The event is dedicated to the commemorating the victims of the Holocaust during World War II and was held in the capital of the Czech Republic, Prague.

The Head of State: We Can Respond to the Global Challenges Only if the Democratic States Pool Efforts

23 January 2015 | 19:07
We can respond to the serious challenges the world is facing, related to climate change, political crises and terrorism only if the democratic states pool efforts to this effect. This is what President Rosen Plevneliev said at the traditional reception given for the heads of the diplomatic missions accredited in Bulgaria.

Rosen Plevneliev and Jens Stoltenberg: Bulgaria is a Reliable NATO Ally and Partner

22 January 2015 | 19:07
President Rosen Plevneliev called on for updating the national defense budget in 2015, whereby Bulgaria will fulfill the commitment assumed at the NATO summit in Wales for more investments in its defense capabilities. The Head of State held talks today at 2 Dondukov street with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, after which the two gave a joint press conference.

Statements made by President Rosen Plevneliev and Vice-president Margarita Popova at the News Conference on the Occasion of the End of the Third Year since they Took Office

21 January 2015 | 12:12

Without Reforms Bulgaria Will Lose 15 billion Euros in EU Funds, the Head of State Warned

20 January 2015 | 16:04
In 2015 we have the rare chance to speed up delayed reforms, the Head of State Rosen Plevneliev said in his statement made before the participants of the ninth annual meeting between the business circles and the government, organized by the Capital weekly. The President warned that the unreformed sectors and running up new debts, with which “to fill in holes,” are a serious threat to the country.







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