5 April 2012 | 10:10
Filters: 2 April 2012 | 10:10
“It is time that the leaders of South Eastern Europe agree on priorities in the field of security – who will specialise in which areas, and on which projects work will be done together. I am ready to initiate the holding of such a meeting in Bulgaria,” President Rosen Plevneliev today told participants in an international conference entitled “Smart Defence - Pooling and Sharing: Eastern European view on Multinational and Innovative Approaches to Capability Development.”
30 March 2012 | 20:08
President Rosen Plevneliev called for amendments to the Law on Investment Promotion and a more active role for InvestBulgaria Agency. Speaking to Italian entrepreneurs in Rome, the President highlighted Bulgaria’s priorities as modern infrastructure, the need for large-scale program to improve energy efficiency and preservation of strict and predictable fiscal policy.
30 March 2012 | 17:05
Bulgaria and Italy share a common vision of the need for economic growth, based on job creation measures, measures to support small and medium business, effective investment of public funds in major infrastructure projects, creating a stable social environment and financial stability. These are part of the long-term priorities for each country, said President Rosen Plevneliev, who met today with his Italian counterpart Giorgio Napolitano in Rome. At the invitation of President Napolitano, Bulgaria’s Head of State is on an official visit to Italy. This is the first official visit of President Plevneliev after his inauguration.
29 March 2012 | 09:09
Bulgarians’ pension income has not increased much in the past three years, but it has to be understood that there are no easy solutions. In order to have higher incomes, a working economy is needed, according to President Rosen Plevneliev, who received the European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, László Andor. Along with Labour and Social Policy Minister Totyu Mladenov, the Commissioner will today open in Plovdiv the First European Fair of Social Enterprises and Cooperatives of Persons with Disabilities.