Iliana Iotova Awarded the Honorary Plaque of the Vice President to the Bulgarian "Sts. Cyril and Methodius" Sunday School in Athens

2024-05-12 10:31:00

For the active and patriotic work for the preservation and dissemination of the Bulgarian language, spirituality, culture and traditions, Iliana Iotova awarded the Vice President's Honorary Plaque to the Bulgarian Sunday School "Sts. Cyril and Methodius" in Athens. The Vice President was a guest at the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Bulgarian school, which has nearly 200 students up to grade 12.

When you hold the hands of the little ones to write the beautiful Cyrillic letters, you are paving the way of light. There is none stronger than the light of words and knowledge. For over 13 centuries Bulgaria has won many battles with weapons, but the strongest weapons have always been spirituality, literacy, culture, the Vice President addressed the teachers. She pointed out that Bulgaria is the only country in the world that celebrates letters because it was born from the word and writing. Iotova described teachers as the modern Bulgarian missionaries. Just as the Holy Brothers Cyril and Methodius and their disciples spread the light of the word among the Slavic peoples in their native language, 11 centuries later in the modern world of high technology, you are educating young people who know and are proud of their history, the Vice President said in her address. She assured of Bulgaria's constant support for the activities of Bulgarian associations and schools abroad and thanked the Greek state for the conditions it creates for their functioning. Iotova also highlighted the support of the Bulgarian Embassy in Athens and Ambassador Valentin Poryazov.

In a world of conflict and division, for your sake, our children, we must return to human values, to work for peace and tolerance, for the prospect of your development. Wherever you live in the world, remember your roots and be proud of Bulgaria's long and glorious history, Iliana Iotova greeted the students.

The Vice President thanked the parents for educating the children in patriotism and for being the natural allies of the teachers in their mission.

Iotova presented the school's principal Mimi Nicheva with a brooch depicting the letter B - an emblem of the international forum on the Cyrillic Alphabet, which the Vice President organised two years ago. The second edition of the forum will take place in June this year.

At the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Bulgarian Sunday School "St. Cyril and Methodius" Iotova handed the certificates to the graduates of the 12th grade.



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