The President: Political parties bear their responsibility for holding free and fair elections

2014-09-18 14:23:00
“The Provisional government is working towards holding free and fair elections, but no less responsibility for the transparency of the election process lies on the political parties who are fighting for the confidence of the Bulgarian citizens”. This was declared by President Rosen Plevneliev who held talks today with representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe at 2 “Dondukov” blvd. The Parliamentary Assembly will be among the observers of the early parliamentary election in Bulgaria on October 5. 
The Head of State underlined that with their conduct in the election campaign political parties exert strong influence on public mood. “It is especially important for Bulgaria to overcome the extreme opposition and interpersonal confrontation among party leaders typical for the last two years. This can be achieved only by consensus on the reforms of exceptional public importance in the spheres of energy, health care and pension reform and only then can we expect stability and high economic growth”, said Rosen Plevneliev.
The President acquainted the Parliamentary Assembly representatives with the measures undertaken to guarantee the fairness of the election process. “Concrete results have been achieved and individuals, who have attempted to buy votes, have been detained”, said the Head of State.
The right of Bulgarian citizens to participate in the election process independently of whether they live in the country or abroad is guaranteed by the Constitution, and will be respected, added the President. For the first time after the democratic changes there will be so many ballot sections abroad - 428, in 59 countries, and they come as a response to the expressed desire by Bulgarian nationals abroad to take part in the election. 
Rosen Plevneliev voiced his gratitude for the good cooperation between Bulgaria and the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly in the course of the last two decades. “We do not hide our problems, real friends always help in solving them, tell the truth and are willing to acknowledge the results achieved”, said the President.
During the meeting the representatives posed questions to the President, related to the state of the bank system in Bulgaria, the possibilities of the ethnic minorities to take part in the election process, the prospects for improving the Election Code, among others. 


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