
November 28-29 Ankara/Istanbul - Official Visit of the President to the Republic of Turkey

28 ноември 2012 | 11:11

President Plevneliev: There is no alternative to co-operation and integration for the sake of ensuring lasting peace and stability

22 ноември 2012 | 15:03
“Bulgaria is part of a very dynamic region between the Western Balkans and the Black Sea, which borders the Middle East. That is why our country is interested in the processes of integration and the sharing of resources and defence in NATO and in the European Union.” This was said by President Rosen Plevneliev in a speech today on “Current issues and priorities in the national security of the Republic of Bulgaria” to the Atlantic Club at the Sheraton Hotel Sofia.

Speech by President Rosen Plevneliev to the Atlantic Club in Bulgaria on ‘Current Issues and Priorities in the National Security of the Republic of Bulgaria’

22 ноември 2012 | 14:02
We live in turbulent times, triggered by profound global transformation. The world, as we know it, is changing rapidly and irreversibly. The processes are highly dynamic, and they are characterised by numerous challenges to the sustainable development of countries. In terms of security and national priorities, we need to think and plan not just only for 2020, but for much further ahead.

Rosen Plevneliev: Early childhood development programmes can prevent the passing of poverty from one generation to the next

21 ноември 2012 | 12:12
Early childhood development programmes can prevent the passing of poverty from one generation to the next, President Rosen Plevneliev said today, opening the two-day UNICEF high-level conference entitled “Ending the placement of children under three in institutions: Support nurturing families for all young children”.

Rosen Plevneliev: I am guided in my actions by the rules and spirit of the Constitution

21 ноември 2012 | 11:11
“I am guided in my actions by the interests of the citizens, by the rules and spirit of the Constitution. Those who become members of the Constitutional Court should be the best and most suited to be a beacon of democracy and justice for Bulgaria’s citizens,” President Rosen Plevneliev said in regard to developments around the nomination of a Constitutional Court judge from the quota of the National Assembly.







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