
Rosen Plevneliev: Bulgaria has shown that a culture of financial stability and confidence leads to results

5 July 2012 | 12:12
Bulgaria has shown that the culture of financial stability and confidence leads to results, President Rosen Plevneliev said during a working meeting with representatives of Greek business. In Athens, the President and his Greek counterpart Karolos Papoulias discussed with business representatives the challenges and opportunities facing Greek-Bulgarian economic relations.

Friendship and cooperation between Bulgaria and Greece are of strategic importance to peace, stability and development of the region

4 July 2012 | 15:03
President Plevneliev is on his first official visit in South East Europe Friendship and cooperation between Bulgaria and Greece are of strategic importance to peace, stability and development of the region, President Rosen Plevneliev said today after meeting with his Greek counterpart Karolos Papoulias. President Plevneliev is on a two-day official visit to Greece at the invitation of his Greek counterpart. This is his first visit on a bilateral basis in the region.

President Rosen Plevneliev calls for the acceleration of Bulgarian – German cooperation at all levels

3 July 2012 | 17:05
Bulgarian-German cooperation should be accelerated at all levels. We have very solid foundations, they can and should be upgraded, President Rosen Plevneliev said today. During the second day of his official visit to Germany, President Plevneliev spoke with his German counterpart, Joachim Gauck. President Plevneliev emphasised the increasing volume of bilateral trade in recent years, which in 2011 reached 4.5 billion euro.

A combination of financial discipline and a policy for growth is the solution to the crisis, President Plevneliev said in Berlin.

3 July 2012 | 10:10
The Head of State delivered a lecture at the European Commission Representation in Berlin Bulgarian people believe in politicians who not only point out the problems but also find solutions. My goal is not to be re-elected, but to do as much work as possible while I hold this post. This was said today by President Rosen Plevneliev in a lecture at the European Commission Representation in Berlin entitled “Bulgaria - a reliable partner in the EU”. The Bulgarian Head of State is a two-day official visit to Germany.

President Rosen Plevneliev: Germany can help to implement the concept of Sofia Tech Park

3 July 2012 | 10:10
Speaking during a visit to the Adlershof technology centre in Berlin on the first day of a two-day official visit to Germany, President Rosen Plevneliev called for more Bulgarian-German joint ventures in innovation and for German expert support in the implementation of the concept of Sofia Tech Park by the end of 2012.







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