President Radev: The New Government in the Republic of North Macedonia Clearly Shows the Biggest Fear of the Political Class in That country Is to Recognise the Very Existence of the Words "a Bulgarian" and "Bulgarian" There

2024-06-26 11:57:00
If the EU does not commit itself to the European perspective of the Balkans based on clear principles, norms and values, then eventually the Balkans will face Balkanisation in Europe, the Head of State told the media
The masks have finally fallen. The new government in the Republic of North Macedonia (RNM) clearly shows that the biggest fear of the political class in that country is to recognise the very existence of the words "a Bulgarian" and "Bulgarian" there. This is a policy aimed directly against the European principles and decisions taken by consensus by all member states, as well as against the international commitments made by the RNM. This is what President Rumen Radev said in response to a journalist's question today about the aggressive rhetoric of the new government in the RNM towards Bulgaria in recent days.
It has already become clear why in the spring of 2021, as Bulgaria's representative in the European Council, I shifted the focus of European institutions and leaders from the protection of our history, culture and language to the protection of the rights of Bulgarians in the RNM. Why even then I raised the idea of their inclusion in the Constitution of the country as an important, obligatory and a precondition, the head of state said. The President added that he expects immediate and concrete actions from both the Bulgarian government and the European institutions to uphold European principles and norms in the process of enlargement in the Balkans. If the EU is not committed to the European perspective of the Balkans, but based on clear principles, norms and values, then sooner or later the Balkans will face Balkanisation in Europe, Rumen Radev further said.
Asked to comment on the interim defence minister's words that Bulgaria is ready to make an analysis in order to provide additional arms to Ukraine in case of the presence of reserves of military equipment with a declining need, the President asked what exactly the expression "declining need" means for the defence capabilities of the Bulgarian army in case of need. Bulgaria should maintain a solid capacity, the head of state pointed out, adding that at the current stage of the war between Russia and Ukraine, providing Kiev with more or less weapons would not drastically change the situation on the front.
The question now is about the lack of people on the battlefield. Lack of people in terms of quantity, preparation and especially motivation. You are looking at other media around the world that are clearly reporting what is happening on the streets of Ukraine. There is no way to achieve any success in this really ugly and bloody war with people who are being hunted in the streets and forcibly taken to the front, the President said. Rumen Radev reiterated that the time has come to start negotiations on the cessation of hostilities and the establishment of clear conditions for peace in accordance with the UN Charter.
Asked when he would hand over the first mandate to form a government, the President said that the decision would be announced after the cycle of consultations with the parliamentary parties of the 50th National Assembly was completed.


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18 September 2024 | 20:08
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13 September 2024 | 18:06
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The Head of State Holds a Session with representatives of Pilatus Aircraft

12 September 2024 | 18:06
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