President: Only Bulgarian Journalists, for Whom the Public Interest Is Their Guiding Principle, Can Be a Reliable Barrier against Attempts to Subjugate the Media and Deviate from Professional Standards

2024-05-15 18:49:00
Head of State Rumen Radev congratulates Bulgarian journalists on the 180th anniversary of the periodical press in Bulgaria and 130 years since the beginning of the organised journalistic movement in Bulgaria
Journalism based on professional standards remains the guarantor of objective reporting of information, protection of the public interest, pluralism and democracy. This is what President Rumen Radev said in a congratulatory address to the Union of Bulgarian Journalists on the occasion of the 180th anniversary of the periodical press in Bulgaria and 130 years since the beginning of the organised journalistic movement in Bulgaria. The two significant anniversaries are an occasion to recall the rich history of Bulgarian journalism, the power of words and the great responsibility of the people called to handle them, the Head of State said.
The President stresses that the evolution of media platforms, advertising markets and corporate dependencies does not cancel the moral foundations of journalism. It is still called to fight for the truth, inform with integrity, enlighten, build and contribute to the formation and development of a critically thinking and active civil society, Rumen Radev said. 
In his congratulatory address, the Head of State also highlighted the role of the media in preserving and transmitting our history, our national traditions and customs, the development of Bulgarian culture and the promotion of our scientific achievements. Defending the moral foundations of society requires not only denouncing the negative phenomena, but also highlighting the positive examples that are of key importance for the future of our country, the President said.
In the conditions of increasing influence of self-serving corporate and political interests in the media, the responsibility of Bulgarian journalists to uphold the standards and principles of journalism, without which its future is unthinkable, is also growing, the Head of State said, stressing that only the professional community of Bulgarian journalists, united around a solid moral foundation, for which the public interest is the guiding principle, can be a reliable barrier against attempts to subjugate the media, deviate from professional standards, impose a censorship and self-censorship. Continue to be fighters for the truth, the Head of State wished the Union and all Bulgarian journalists.
In the Head of State's words, the Union of Bulgarian Journalists, with its intensive activity, continues to be a pillar of professional standards and a factor for their promotion in journalism. At critical moments in the past years, it was the positions of the Union in defence of Bulgarian journalists and against the violation of journalistic ethics that showed the importance of the unity of the professional community around clear principles, President Rumen Radev concluded.


President Rumen Radev and Commissioner Iliana Ivanova Discuss Investments in Innovations and the Effective Implementation of EU Financial Programmes to Promote Grassroots Sport among Young people in Bulgaria

28 June 2024 | 15:03
President Rumen Radev discussed the opportunities for effective implementation of the European Union's financial programmes for promoting grassroots sport among young people and investment in innovation at a meeting at Dondukov 2 with EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth at the European Commission, Iliana Ivanova.

Rumen Radev: The Three Seas Initiative Establishes Itself as a Factor for the Development of Connectivity in the Whole Eastern Europe Region

27 June 2024 | 16:04
The Three Seas Initiative is establishing itself as a factor for the development of connectivity in the whole region of Central and Eastern Europe and is of key importance for promoting economic exchanges, investments and increasing security of supply of energy resources. This is what head of state Rumen Radev said at a meeting with Beata Daszynska-Muzyczka, Ambassador, Special Representative of the President of the Republic of Poland for the Three Seas Initiative. Poland will host the next summit of the initiative, which will take place in 2025.

President Radev: Modernisation of the Armed Forces Must Take into Account the New Realities in the Defence Sector

26 June 2024 | 19:07
The war in Ukraine has seriously changed not only the security architecture on a global scale, but also the way of conducting warfare, as well as the tactics and means used to implement operations. These new realities in the field of defence must be taken into account in the processes of modernisation of the armed forces and the conduct of joint exercises.

President: Ignoring the Risks Has Led to Weaknesses in Europe's Transition to Green Economy

26 June 2024 | 13:01
Radev opens forum on prospects for Central and Eastern European countries in reducing carbon emissions and building a green economy







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