Head of State: Bulgaria Works for Further Deepening of Economic and Investment Cooperation with Kosovo

2023-12-22 19:14:00
The security, stability and European perspective of all Western Balkan countries are of key importance not only for the region but also for the European Union, Rumen Radev stresses in Pristina
Bulgaria is working to further deepen economic and investment cooperation with Kosovo. This is what Head of State Rumen Radev said, who is on an official visit to the Republic of Kosovo today and tomorrow at the invitation of President Vjosa Osmani-Sadriu.
Rumen Radev was welcomed by his Kosovo counterpart with an official ceremony. The two presidents had a "one-on-one" talk and chaired plenary talks between the Kosovar and Bulgarian delegations. The Heads of State of Bulgaria and Kosovo planted a tree as a sign of friendship between the two countries and paid tribute at the Memorial to the Missing.
During the joint press conference, President Radev highlighted the intensive dialogue and the friendly relations between Sofia and Pristina, which are a solid basis for identifying concrete steps for deepening the interaction in a number of areas of mutual interest. There is a positive trend in commodity trade between the two countries, but there is still significant potential that remains untapped. It is therefore important to work towards updating the agreements already concluded, as well as broadening the legal basis for bilateral cooperation. 
Transport, energy and digital connectivity in the region are key to fostering partnership in all other areas, the President further said and underlined the strategic importance of Corridor 8 for the entire region. Rumen Radev highlighted energy, investments, agriculture, education, science, high technologies, culture and tourism as particularly promising areas of mutual interest. Rumen Radev noted the opening of the Kosovo-Bulgaria Chamber of Commerce in Sofia in September this year as an important step for promoting investments, trade ties and the development of economic cooperation. I believe that it will also contribute to providing more information on the opportunities of the two countries so that we can not only trade, but also develop and produce together and appear on third markets, he added.
Rumen Radev recalled that Bulgaria was among the first countries to recognise Kosovo's independence in 2008. You can count on our consistent support in your efforts to build Kosovo as a modern, democratic state with strong institutions, the President said. Bulgaria is one of the main drivers for the accelerated integration of all the Western Balkan countries into the EU, Rumen Radev further said and welcomed Kosovo's efforts on its European path. Bulgaria will continue to insist before the European institutions that all the successes achieved be taken into account and in this complex geopolitical context, when we talk about accelerated integration, we cannot afford to leave Kosovo in the background, he added.
Reaching a comprehensive and legally binding agreement to neutralise tensions between Belgrade and Pristina is of key importance for the security, stability and prosperity of our region, Rumen Radev stressed in response to a journalist's question. He also pointed out that dialogue is the only way to solve the problems and guarantee a sustainable future for the Balkans.
The Bulgarian Head of State expressed gratitude to the Kosovo President for the fact that during her visit to Sofia she awarded a medal of honour to Bulgarian military staff who participated in the International Security Assistance Force (KFOR) mission in Kosovo. Bulgaria will remain truly committed to the security and stability of Kosovo, because the stability and security are crucial for the future not only of the Balkan region, but of the entire European Union, the President further said.
The geographic proximity between Sofia and Pristina also reminds of the strong historical and cultural ties between our countries, the President said, stressing that the local Bulgarian community in Kosovo has also made a great contribution to them. He expressed confidence that Bulgaria and Kosovo would continue to work so that there would be legal and practical steps for the Bulgarian community to freely learn its native language, express its identity, preserve and develop its cultural traditions. This will also create an even greater incentive to deepen bilateral relations. Rumen Radev thanked his Kosovar counterpart for his personal commitment that the upcoming census in Kosovo will be transparent, objective and based on the highest international standards, so that in the future the Bulgarian community in Kosovo will have the opportunity to be recognised as a national minority.
In her speech, Kosovo Head of State Vjosa Osmani-Sadriu expressed her gratitude for Bulgaria's unwavering support for Kosovo's European path, for the consolidation of peace and stability in the region and for Kosovo's integration into international organisations. The relations with Bulgaria have always been important for us, the Kosovo President stressed, expressing confidence that with joint efforts all opportunities will be used to deepen the bilateral partnership.
On the first day of his official visit, the Bulgarian Head of State held a meeting with Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, during which the prospects for the development of economic and investment cooperation and trade ties between the two countries were noted. Kurti stressed the need to hold a joint business forum to identify concrete projects of mutual interest and expressed readiness to personally participate in it. The common position was that the European perspective for the Western Balkans is a crucial factor for strengthening security and stability and for the development of the region. The President also held talks with the Mayor of Pristina Perparim Rama. At a solemn ceremony, Rumen Radev received the "Key to the City."
Tomorrow the Bulgarian President will meet with our contingent in the International Security Force KFOR and will hold talks with the KFOR commander, Major General Ozkan Ulutas. Later in Prizren Rumen Radev will meet with representatives of the Bulgarian community and the leaders of their associations in the country.


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