Radev: The anti-Bulgarian ideology that is rampant in the Republic of North Macedonia is poisoning bilateral relations and undermining our south-western neighbour's path towards the EU

2022-04-21 12:22:00
It is high time that the anti-Bulgarian ideology that is rampant in the Republic of North Macedonia (RNM) become a thing of the past. It is deliberately poisoning our relations and undermining the RNM's path towards the European Union, is what President Rumen Radev told journalists. In his words, the attempt of the politicians in the RNM to build an identity on the basis of the falsifications of the Communist International, and not on the historical truth, are against the interests of the citizens of the RNM who really want EU membership.
Regarding claims by politicians in the RNM who define one of the leaders of the Bulgarian national liberation movement in Macedonia, Ivan Mihailov, as a fascist, the President pointed out that it was Ivan Mihailov who opposed Nazi Germany to drag Macedonia into a fratricidal war with Bulgaria. Not Ivan Mihailov, but other people after the establishment of the Yugoslav dictatorship in Macedonia killed and tortured tens of thousands in concentration camps, just because they decided to continue calling themselves Bulgarians and not Macedonians. This is fascism proper, the Head of State stressed.
Bulgaria should continue to help anybody who seeks refuge from the war in Ukraine, the President said in response to a journalist's question. In the Head of State's words, Bulgaria should help Ukraine within its capabilities, but also taking into account that, unlike other countries that are far away from the conflict, Bulgaria has a huge historical diaspora in Ukraine. We have our compatriots in the areas of military operations. This requires a very careful and responsible attitude, the President pointed out and reiterated his call for Bulgaria to provide personal protective equipment such as bulletproof vests and helmets.
In response to a question about the rescue of the Bulgarian sailors from the Tsarevna ship in Ukraine, the Head of State noted that the most important thing was that they were alive and well and back in Bulgaria. We are grateful to everyone - from the Bulgarian institutions that worked for this, to the Ukrainian and Russian sides, Rumen Radev said. 
Asked to comment on claims by President Rosen Plevneliev (2012-2017) that he refused to meet with US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin during his visit to Bulgaria, the President noted that it was good that more and more Bulgarian citizens were interested in politics, but Mr Plevneliev's words were at odds with reality. Radev recalled that he had had fruitful meetings and talks with US President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, as well as with Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin during the NATO summit in Brussels last month. There, I once again clearly raised the issue of our expectation for the fastest possible delivery of our F-16 fighters under the contract we have already signed and paid for in advance, the Head of State recalled. 
I have not heard that the US government has appointed former Bulgarian ministers as its spokespersons, the President responded to a question about allegations by two former defence ministers about the reasons for the postponement of the delivery of the F-16s, which he described as speculation.


President Rumen Radev and Commissioner Iliana Ivanova Discuss Investments in Innovations and the Effective Implementation of EU Financial Programmes to Promote Grassroots Sport among Young people in Bulgaria

28 June 2024 | 15:03
President Rumen Radev discussed the opportunities for effective implementation of the European Union's financial programmes for promoting grassroots sport among young people and investment in innovation at a meeting at Dondukov 2 with EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth at the European Commission, Iliana Ivanova.

Rumen Radev: The Three Seas Initiative Establishes Itself as a Factor for the Development of Connectivity in the Whole Eastern Europe Region

27 June 2024 | 16:04
The Three Seas Initiative is establishing itself as a factor for the development of connectivity in the whole region of Central and Eastern Europe and is of key importance for promoting economic exchanges, investments and increasing security of supply of energy resources. This is what head of state Rumen Radev said at a meeting with Beata Daszynska-Muzyczka, Ambassador, Special Representative of the President of the Republic of Poland for the Three Seas Initiative. Poland will host the next summit of the initiative, which will take place in 2025.

President Radev: Modernisation of the Armed Forces Must Take into Account the New Realities in the Defence Sector

26 June 2024 | 19:07
The war in Ukraine has seriously changed not only the security architecture on a global scale, but also the way of conducting warfare, as well as the tactics and means used to implement operations. These new realities in the field of defence must be taken into account in the processes of modernisation of the armed forces and the conduct of joint exercises.

President: Ignoring the Risks Has Led to Weaknesses in Europe's Transition to Green Economy

26 June 2024 | 13:01
Radev opens forum on prospects for Central and Eastern European countries in reducing carbon emissions and building a green economy







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