President Rumen Radev: May 2021 bring the inspiration and decisiveness to achieve the change which the hearts of millions of Bulgarians yearn for

2021-01-01 11:57:00

I believe that we are yet to unfold the constructive power our talented nation bears in our genes and character, the Head of State emphasized in his New Year’s speech


Dear compatriots,

Mere minutes are left until 1 January – the new beginning we are awaiting this year more than ever before.

Bulgaria and the world are leaving behind a hard and flawed year. We lived through a pandemic to which we lost many loved ones. We went through a trying adaptation to a new manner of living – of working, studying, and communicating.

My primary thought today is for the Bulgarians who are celebrating alone and in need, dispirited and disheartened - for the thousands of doctors, nurses, and healthcare assistants, who bore the burden of the disaster - and for those on duty in all the services on New Year’s Eve. In times of crises and trials, everyone can bask in the joy of helping others. Such periods befall each of us, and it is crucial for those with power to support the victims with understanding and care, with attention and a gesture, and with material and human compassion.

In 2020, life reminded us all of the price of freedom, solidarity and humanity. Bulgaria and the world as a whole are struggling to reconsider the deceptions of the era of egoism.

But 2020 was also the year of a Bulgarian awakening. Thousands stated their will to put an end to lies, lawlessness, and corruption - the brotherhood of decent people came about in the streets. He who believes it is burned out is sorely mistaken. The heroes of civil valour are the unrelenting people who for months on end continue to defend freedom and law in city squares, the brave Bulgarians in the smaller towns who were not afraid to stand up to the local despots, the students who affirmed that Bulgaria has to be a European democracy - the dignified Bulgarians in the institutions, in courts and in media who, despite the pressure, remained true to principles and the truth.

The anti-mafia consensus brings together millions of honest Bulgarians here and abroad and the failure to manage the pandemic, the ruin of small businesses, the poverty and widespread injustice simply confirmed the urgent need for a radical change.

We will have two elections in 2021. The organisation must guarantee the health and right to vote of each Bulgarian. No excuses for postponing machine and distance voting are acceptable. Our society is already joining forces against vote rigging.

We need leadership. A leadership to bring our country out of the deep healthcare, economic and social crisis and from the pandemic of fear, but also to begin tearing down the foul model of governing; to strengthen statehood and legality; to put an end to theft; to make education, healthcare, science and culture a true priority and people – a core value; to head bravely towards tomorrow, towards our European future, towards modernization and the rapid growth of the economy and income; to bring back the good reputation of the State; to protect our beautiful nature; and to establish dignity, knowledge and competence in the governing of Bulgaria.

The key to success lies in our courage, will and joint efforts.

Our nation has been through many challenges. Our state has risen again for a new life many times before. We have left a bright mark on culture, science, and sport. We have time and again awed the world with our talents. I believe that we are yet to unfold the constructive power our talented nation bears in our genes and character.

Dear compatriots, may you be healthy and have a blessed year!

I wish you a year when we will have the boldness, inspiration and decisiveness to achieve the change which the hearts of millions of Bulgarians yearn for.

The time is now!

Happy New Year!



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