Position of President Rumen Radev on the Necessity of a Convincing Package of Social and Economic Measures in Support of the Worst Affected by the State of Emergency

2020-03-23 17:50:00

Today the Bulgarian Parliament showed responsibility by complying with the imposed veto on provisions of the Emergency Measures Act. This provides the opportunity for efficient implementation of measures for limiting the spread of the coronavirus, which serves the interest of our society as a whole.

However, the real deficiency in the Emergency Measures Act is the lack of a convincing package of social and economic measures in support of the worst affected in the current situation – the small and medium businesses and the people who will lose their jobs, security, tranquility and prospects for their future.

Veto cannot be imposed on non-existing measures, so my call on the executive and legislative branches of power is to focus on the social and economic situation in the country in conditions of a state of emergency. I continue to insist that the efficient solution of the crisis provoked by the coronavirus requires that social and economic measures in support of the worst affected should be implemented together with the urgent health measures.

Such measures were already announced not only by economically powerful countries such as France and Germany, but also by countries with more limited capacities. We should ease the growing social tension by adopting concrete and clear measures, which should ensure the Bulgarian citizens tranquility and trust in their own state. It is important for Bulgaria to preserve its human and economic potential.      


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Radev meets with representatives of the U.S. Air War College

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