The Head of State: The Restriction of Rights Should be Clearly Motivated and Proportional to the Threat and Exclude Governance Self-will
2020-03-13 19:09:00
The coronavirus pandemic puts our society to the test. The strict measures are necessary to guarantee the supreme value – the health and life of the Bulgarian citizens. However, not only the efficient solution of the crisis, but also our development as a democratic and prospering country depends on whether these measures are adequate, in compliance with the law and how they are adopted and implemented. The restriction of rights should be clearly motivated and proportional to the threat and exclude governance self-will.
A package of economic and social measures is necessary together with the strict restrictions. Without them the health crisis will promptly become an economic and will most badly affect the socially weak and the small and medium business that ensures work for a huge number of Bulgarians.
I believe that the Bulgarians will show common sense and self-discipline in this critical situation and will not be panic-stricken. The quick solution of the problem depends on their civic responsibility.
We should all support our medical doctors and medical staff in their difficult and responsible social mission.