President Radev: Israel may Invest in Bulgaria’s Potential as a Regional Center for Information Technologies and Scientific Research

2018-03-20 15:50:00

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin emphasized that the Jewish people will never forget the courageous act of rescuing the Bulgarian Jews

As a leading country in the sphere of high technologies, the State of Israel will be interested in investing in Bulgaria’ potential, which is increasingly turning into a center for ICT and scientific research in Southeastern Europe.  These were the words with which Head of State Rumen Radev addressed his Israeli counterpart Reuven Rivlin in Jerusalem. The two made joint statements immediately after the solemn ceremony of welcoming the Bulgarian President, which marked the beginning of his official visit to the State of Israel.

The Head of State said that thanks to the consistent efforts of several generations, today the State of Israel has efficient institutions and democracy and a developed civil society. Our Bulgarian Jews, who chose Israel to be their homeland and kept the ties between our two peoples alive forever, have also contributed to these achievements, Rumen Radev emphasized. The President identified the State of Israel as a model for social development, which owes its success to the citizens’ public commitment, the quality of education, the decent pay and investments in economic sectors, in which science guarantees high added value.

The Head of State assured that our country is ready to take steps to subsequently  expand the exchange in the sphere of investments and research and to promote mutual trade and investments. “Therefore our delegation includes not only MPs, but also representatives of leading companies in different economic sectors, of the banking sector, of trade and tourism,” the Bulgarian President said.

The friendship between our peoples was conclusively proved during the difficult years of World War II, Rumen Radev further said and emphasized that the Bulgarian people performed an unprecedented act by rescuing its Jewish community and has not allowed even a single Bulgarian Jew to be deported to the death camps. “Thus we recorded one of the brightest pages not only in our history, but also in European history,” Rumen Radev said. The Head of State added that our country shares Israel’s grief for the Jews from Aegean Thrace and Vardar Macedonia who were not Bulgarian citizens and who Bulgaria could not rescue.

I would like to assure you that, as holder of the EU Council Presidency, Bulgaria will continue to put efforts in resuming the negotiations within the Middle East peace process on finding sustainable and efficient solutions that will ensure peace and stability in the region. I believe that we will together maintain a tough stance against terrorism and will work to increase the stability in the region and in the world, Head of State Rumen Radev further said in his statement and invited President Rivlin to visit Bulgaria.

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin said that the Jewish people will never forget the Bulgarian people’s courageous act – the rescue of the Bulgarian Jews 75 years ago. Rivlin pointed out that one of the great challenges we are facing is fighting hatred and terrorism and highlighted the responsibility we have assumed to pass on the values of tolerance and democracy to the young generations.

President Rivlin identified trade, high technologies and tourism as priority areas of cooperation between Bulgaria and Israel. “Your visit today is an important step in strengthening the excellent friendship between our two peoples,” the Israeli Head of State said.

In the statement he made, President Rivlin voiced his position on Iran’s policy in the Middle East region.

President Rumen Radev is in the State of Israel at the invitation of his Israeli counterpart. The Bulgarian Head of State’s visit is taking place within the context of the 75th anniversary of the rescue of the Bulgarian Jews and the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the State of Israel.

Later today Rumen Radev will also meet representatives of the organizations of the Bulgarian Jews in the State of Israel.  


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