The Republic of Kosovo Will Make Use of the Bulgarian Experience in the EU Stabilization and Association Process

2015-02-01 17:23:00

The Republic of Kosovo will make use of the experience Bulgaria has gained in the EU stabilization and association process and in introducing European legislation. The two countries will also work to improve the political dialogue, to strengthen the economic and cultural ties. This is what became clear at a meeting held between President Rosen Plevneliev and Atifete Yahyaga, President of the Republic of Kosovo, who is in Sofia to attend the commemoration service in memory of Zhelyu Zhelev, the first democratically elected Bulgarian president.

President Yahyaga said that Dr. Zhelev is one of the symbols of democracy in the region and expressed her condolences to the Bulgarian Head of State on behalf of the people of the Republic of Kosovo.

“Cooperation and integration are the real strength that can make the people’s lives better,” Rosen Plevneliev and Atifete Yahyaga were unanimous. The two exchanged opinions on the process of the EU integration of the Western Balkan countries and voiced their support for ensuring greater connectivity between the countries in the region. “Our country is working to secure peace, stability and good relations with its neighbors, which is a condition for speeding up the process of integration in the EU structures,” President Yahyaga said.

The two Heads of State agreed on the position that the two countries should take advantage of the geographic proximity between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of Kosovo to develop their economic cooperation.


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