Statement of President Rosen Plevneliev at the Fourth International Forum „Let my people live!“

2015-01-27 13:38:00

Ladies and gentlemen,

Today we send a message of integrity and humanity to all people around the world. It is the responsibility of every one of us to keep the memory of the Holocaust alive. When we commemorate those who died, as we listen to the stories of the survivors, we must ask ourselves: How could the civilised world let this happen? A tragedy of this scale cannot be explained by just pointing at those who initiated and executed repressions and mass murder, but also at those who were indifferent and afraid. All those who thought: “This has nothing to do with me”.

We should not forget the crimes of Nazism. We must not let the memory pass away along with the last surviving witnesses. If we cannot learn the lessons of history, we will repeat the mistakes of the past again and again. As president, I am strongly engaged with the topic of the victims of totalitarian regimes. For me and for the Bulgarian people it is a topic of the utmost importance.

Almost two years ago in the European Parliament a wise and respected president said: “Better economic crisis than moral catastrophe, better economic problems than historic shame”. These words came from the President of the State of Israel Shimon Peres whom I consider a living legend. President Peres and I opened an exhibition to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the rescue of the Bulgarian Jews. In his speech he described the Bulgarian people as humble, unobtrusive and yet genuinely heroic. Against all odds, Bulgarians gave the world an unprecedented example of courage and humanity by making a moral choice in defiance of the greatest evil in history - the Nazis.

In the dark years of World War II Bulgarians succeeded in saving the entire Jewish population within the country - nearly 50 000 people. Unfortunately, Bulgaria was in a situation where it could not do the same for the Jewish people from Northern Greece and parts of Yugoslavia, as they weren’t Bulgarian citizens. We deeply mourn the loss of their lives as well as all the victims of the Holocaust, whom we will always remember!

We must not forget that in every society there is always someone who would prefer the sword to the pen. There will be always fanatics and extremists who will try to kill innocent people in the name of God. But a brutal murder has nothing to do with God. Because God does not want anyone to dominate over others. We are all born equal, born in peace, to live in peace and to work for peace. And God teaches us that every life, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist or other, matters. The events that shocked Paris recently caused a wave of solidarity. Together, united, the citizens of Europe openly stated that they will stand in defense of human life, dignity and freedom.

Let us support every initiative against fanaticism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism. Tonight, in solidarity with the campaign of the Jewish organizations, like the European Jewish Association, the lights of the presidential building in Sofia will remain on, in order to remind us that even today there are people in Europe who are afraid for their safety. This gesture has a symbolic meaning. It shows that sometimes even the smallest of efforts is enough to drive away the darkness and bring back hope and light.

Even the worst of evils will be stopped when people with different religious, ethnic, cultural and social backgrounds unite and firmly say “No” to hatred. We are all impressed by the words of the young Muslim man who risked his life to save several people during the hostage crisis in Paris: "We're brothers. It's not a question of Jews, Christians or Muslims. We're all in the same boat, and we have to help one another to get out of this crisis."

Today, just across my office, in the very heart of the Bulgarian capital Sofia, there are temples of different religions – a well-preserved 9th century Byzantine church, an Orthodox church, a mosque, a synagogue, and a catholic cathedral. They have all coexisted peacefully. This is a great example of tolerance, wisdom, and respect for diversity. Let us all – politicians, activists and citizens – never forget that it is up to all of us to shape the world we live in. Let us not stop making it a better place.

Thank you!


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