Mutual trust and a stable economic environment are the basis for development of economic co-operation between Bulgaria and China

2012-05-22 09:00:00

Mutual trust and a stable macro-economic environment create good prospects for the development of economic co-operation between Bulgaria and China, agreed Vice President Margarita Popova and Wang Lequan, a member of the CCP Politburo and Vice-Chairman of the Political and Legislative Affairs Committee at the CCP Central Committee. The two held talks today at 2 Dondoukov Boulevard and highlighted the common interest of Bulgaria and China in increasing bilateral trade and further strengthening co-operation in the fields of infrastructure, agriculture and energy.

At the meeting, Vice President Popova said that Bulgaria saw China as its strategic partner. The overall assessment was that the traditionally active political dialogue between both sides, including at the highest level, is excellent and supports the trade and economic partnership and mutual investments.

Wang Lequan said that China has seen the economic situation in Europe and praised the measures taken by Bulgaria to limit the negative effects of the global financial and economic crisis. He emphasised that China will continue to encourage firms to invest in promising projects in the EU and has expressed interest in strengthening the contacts between the business communities of Bulgaria and China. Vice President Popova told Mr Wang that Bulgaria provides some of the best conditions in Europe for foreign investors. “Bulgaria has impressive financial stability. Further recognition of the achievements of Deputy Prime Minister Simeon Djankov is his election as Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development,” the Vice President said.

“In China there are emerging cities and regions and this creates favourable conditions for deepening the co-operation between the regions on both sides,” Wang Lequan said. He conveyed to Vice President Popova the best wishes of her Chinese colleague Xi Jinping and an invitation to visit China at a time convenient to her.


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