Rosen Plevneliev at a business forum in Ho Chi Minh: Both Bulgaria and Vietnam will benefit from the partnership between the two countries

2013-10-30 14:36:00

We are opening up new horizons and it is the politicians’ task to find the road and show pragmatism. I hope that agreements will be signed and new projects will be launched very soon. These were the words with which President Rosen Plevneliev addressed representatives of 30 Bulgarian and more than 50 Vietnamese companies in Ho Chi Minh, where the Head of state opened a Bulgarian-Vietnamese business forum.

Before 2003, a single Bulgarian project worth a mere 600 thousand US dollars was carried out in Ho Chi Minh, it became clear during the meeting with the businesses from the two countries. At the same time, international companies have opened more than 2,600 offices in Vietnam’s industrial center with a population of over 10 million.

Before the business representatives in Ho Chi Minh the Bulgarian President recalled our country’s traditionally strong positions in the sphere of information and communication technologies in Southeast Europe and emphasized that the IT sector creates tens of thousands of jobs in Bulgaria. “We would also like to share some of Bulgaria’s achievements in the food industry, nuclear energy, the production of medicines,” the Head of State added. He expressed optimism that the first successful relations between Bulgaria and Vietnam will be established, cultivated and developed. However, this depends on the activity of the business environment in the two countries.

In the Head of State’s words, namely the business wins the public trust by signing agreements and both Bulgaria and Vietnam will benefit from the partnership between the two countries. The President called on the Bulgarian and Vietnamese businesses to work together for reaching a new standard of cooperation and voiced Bulgaria’s willingness to share its achievements, which are the result of the considerable scientific potential Bulgaria has.

On 31 October President Rosen Plevneliev will open an office of the Bulgarian service on trade and economic issues in  Ho Chi Minh, which will mark the end of his state visit to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.  


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