A joint Declaration for strategic partnership between Bulgaria and Vietnam is expected to be signed in October

2013-08-15 17:45:00

A joint Declaration for strategic partnership between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is expected to be signed during the Bulgarian Head of State’s forthcoming visit in the Asian country. This is what became clear during the meeting held between President Rosen Pleveliev and General of the Army Phung Quang Thanh, Vietnamese Minister of National Defense. The President received the Vietnamese military delegation that is on a visit in Bulgaria.

There is political will to have the strategic partnership not just remain an intention, but materialize in the interest of the two friendly peoples, President Plevneliev emphasized.

Vietnam is Bulgaria’s natural partner in South-East Asia. At the same time, during the talks it was emphasized that our country can be a bridge through which Vietnamese goods can reach European markets. The common opinion was voiced that what has been achieved in terms of the cooperation between the two countries has not yet reached the level of the intensive political dialogue held in the past years.

The opportunities for maintaining a partnership between Bulgaria and Vietnam in the spheres of military and technological cooperation, the production of foods, in the energy, pharmacy, education and other sectors were outlined at the meeting.


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