The President handed Plamen Oresharski an exploratory mandate for forming a government

2013-05-23 17:26:00

After holding consultations on forming a government with the parliamentary groups,  represented in the 42nd National Assembly, President Rosen Plevneliev handed Plamen Oresharski, candidate for prime minister, nominated by the second largest group in the National Assembly – that of Coalition for Bulgaria, an exploratory mandate for forming a government. Earlier the candidate nominated for prime minister by the largest parliamentary group – political party GERB, returned the mandate for forming a cabinet he was handed by the Head of State.

“The time of political declarations and intentions ended on 13 May, currently the whole country expects to see results,” the President emphasized in a statement made after the consultations were over. Rosen Plevneliev expressed hope that the parliament will show clear commitments and called on the political leaders to display a statehood attitude and unite around the problems common for the country and their solutions. “The models for solving the problems are the only sound foundation on which a government should be built and this must be a clear sign of taking on commitments and putting consistent efforts into overcoming the crisis,” the President said. He was adamant that the parties will enjoy the Head of State’s support in all their actions aimed at ensuring the betterment of the nation and the European development of Bulgaria.

The President insisted once again that the parties should unite around the nation’s long-term priorities. “The people expect to see decisive actions and results, therefore within a single day I handed two mandates,” the Head of State emphasized. Rosen Plevneliev wished the candidate for prime minister nominated by Coalition for Bulgaria successful negotiations to complete the mandate.  

The Head of State was adamant once again that he will not be involved in negotiating any government. “Our short democratic history teaches us that the president must be a corrective not a driver of coalition arrangements – such must take place in parliament and the party headquarters,” the President said.

“The political parties declared their serious and clear intentions to bear the responsibility which will take the shape of specific commitments and I do hope that the parliament will display a responsible attitude,” Rosen Plevneliev said, summarizing the consultations held with the parliamentary groups.


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