If there are weak points in the Election Code, I will react by advancing arguments, President Rosen Plevneliev said

2013-02-13 16:51:00

Among the priority spheres that President Rosen Plevneliev debated with representatives of parliamentary party Attack were measures to be taken for securing growth and employment and increasing incomes, the necessary reforms to be conducted in 2013, issues related to energy policy and energy efficiency, as well as the amendments in the Election legislation. The meeting that was held is the second one in a row within the regular “month of political consultations” between the head of state and the parliamentary represented parties. Rosen Plevneliev said that the presidential institution will continue to be a platform  from which the voice of all parliamentary represented parties will be heard. “Every idea will be placed on the table for debate and we will adopt measures to reach a consensus,” the head of state added.

“If there are weak points in the Election Code, I will react by advancing arguments,” after the meeting the president commented the debate in the National Assembly on the amendments to be made in the election legislation. The representatives of the parliamentary party Attack told the head of state that neither of the 34 proposals made by them regarding amendments in the Election Code have been approved at first hearing. “The Election Code guarantees transparency and a real representation of the citizens,” the chief of the party said, adding that the president can become a guarantor for this to happen.

Representatives of the parliamentary party Attack once again stated their position regarding the necessity for having a strong regulation, for closing the privatization agreements of the electricity distribution companies and their nationalization, as well as controlling the electricity prices.  In response the head of state recalled that the only way to reduce the electricity bills is to develop a large-scale program for energy efficiency. “If the electricity distribution companies are nationalized, the prices and electricity bills of the people will not be reduced, however, they certainly will be reduced if investments are made in energy efficiency,” the president firmly stated once again. He added that within the political consultations and jointly with the ministries, by mid-March a working model will adopted to sanitize all panel apartments by 2020.

President Plevneliev once again stressed the necessity to adopt a Pact for a proper implementation of the EU funds, and within the “month of political consultations”, the head of state will try to reach a consensus with the political parties on this issue.  According to the president, thus the good rate of implementing the EU funds will be maintained.

The two sides in the meeting shared the common opinion that the establishment of an e-government should be a priority for the next government, the head of state said after the meeting.

During the consultations President Plevneliev and the leadership of the party denounced the negative campaign conducted in Great Britain against Bulgarian and Romanian citizens. President Rosen Plevneliev said that about two weeks ago he held a meeting with Jonathan Allen, ambassador of Great Britain to Bulgaria. After the meeting the Embassy of the United Kingdom in Sofia announced the official position of the government that the limited access of  Bulgarian citizens to the labor market will be lifted on 1 January 2014, the head of state recalled.


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