Rosen Plevneliev in Krakow: the reforms are the solution to the financial and economic crisis
2013-10-09 15:35:00
Guaranteeing financial stability, achieving growth and sustainable development should continue to be among the main priorities of the EU member states. “There is no button in Brussels, the pressing of which will automatically solve the financial and economic crisis, reforms should be conducted everywhere.” This is what President Rosen Plevneliev said at a press conference given by the heads of state from the “Arraiolos” group, which marked the end of the two-day meeting held in the Polish town of Krakow. The Bulgarian President took part in this format for the first time.
On the second day of the meeting, the presidents of Bulgaria, Poland, Germany, Finland, Estonia, Portugal, Italy and Latvia discussed the forthcoming summit on Eastern partnership, to be held in Vilnius in November.
The European Union is facing a great responsibility regarding the countries from the Eastern partnership. President Rosen Plevneliev commented that the process of associating the Eastern partnership countries is long. However, he expressed hope that in November the EU will make the correct decision to support Ukraine, Moldova and the other countries from the initiative.
The trans-Atlantic trade and investment partnership between the EU and the US is of strategic importance and is an important tool to promote more growth and ensure integration, the Bulgarian President further said at the closing press conference of the meeting held in Krakow. The heads of state from the “Arraiolos” group supported the negotiations and expressed hope that the agreement between the EU and the US will be signed in 2014.
The next meeting of the Group will be held in Portugal in 2014, where the 10th anniversary since the format of dialogue of the heads of state was established will be commemorated.