President Rosen Plevneliev Held Talks with Vesna Pusic, deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Croatia
2015-05-25 17:36:00
At 2 Dondukov street President Rosen Plevneliev and Vesna Pusic, deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Croatia discussed the opportunities for strengthening the cooperation in different sectors of mutual interest in a bilateral plan and within the European Union.
At the meeting the Head of State and the Croatian deputy Prime Minister reiterated the necessity for the EU’s strong and visible commitment to guaranteeing the Republic of Macedonia’s territorial integrity, as well as to guaranteeing the civil and inter-ethnic peace.
President Rosen Plevneliev and deputy Prime Minister Vesna Pusic shared the opinion that the not well-developed transport and energy connectivity in the region of Southeast Europe hinders the economic development of the region. President Plevneliev and deputy Prime Minister Pusic highlighted as a challenge the two countries are facing the cooperation in the energy sector which aims at improving the regional energy security. The Bulgarian President said that connecting the energy and gas networks of the countries in the region and establishing a regional Energy Exchange are conditions for building a regional energy market, which will provide access to the energy resources at competitive prices. “The construction of gas inter-connectors with neighboring countries is a priority for Bulgaria,” the Head of State further emphasized.
President Plevneliev also voiced his content with the constructive talks held and the friendly atmosphere during his visit to Croatia earlier this year.