Without Reforms Bulgaria Will Lose 15 billion Euros in EU Funds, the Head of State Warned

2015-01-20 16:02:00

In 2015 we have the rare chance to speed up delayed reforms, the Head of State Rosen Plevneliev said in his statement made before the participants of the ninth annual meeting between the business circles and the government, organized by the Capital weekly. The President warned that the unreformed sectors and running up new debts, with which “to fill in holes,” are a serious threat to the country. “The solution lies in ensuring stability and implementing reforms. Stability means reforms,” the Head of State was adamant and highlighted as critical the reforms aimed at a functioning and fair judiciary, those in the healthcare sector, in the energy sector, in education, in the administration, in the pension system, and also in the security sector.

“Although governments have been taking on the commitment to conduct urgent reforms for already 15 years, some of them are still in their initial stage, and others have even not been started yet. This inefficiency is the result of the narrow-party approach to their implementation. For me it is beyond doubt that to achieve a stable result, it is necessary that a broad political consensus on reforms be reached and consistency in the efforts of parliament and government be ensured,” the Head of State further told the representatives of the business circles, the investment community and of international financial institutions and diplomats.   

Rosen Plevneliev recalled that the current year will also be a year of poor economic growth and of crises and instability. “In this difficult for the country political and economic period it is particularly important to work for ensuring stability. I am grateful for the political efforts which we observed in the last months of the past year. I fully support them and I believe that coalition agreements based on principles are possible in Bulgaria, and that Bulgaria can progress, on the basis of clear and principled agreements in politics,” the Head of State said.

The President highlighted the judicial reform as decisive for coping with the challenges. In the Head of State’s view, the Strategy for continuing the reform of the judiciary, which was worked out by the caretaker government, is a big step ahead toward achieving a more efficient and fair judicial system. I call on parliament to adopt the Strategy for continuing the reform of the justice sector, to support its speeded up implementation, even if constitutional amendments are necessary to this effect,” Rosen Plevneliev said.

The Head of State warned that if our country fails to meet the 40 preliminary conditions by 2016, in compliance with the Partnership Agreement for the program period up to 2020, Bulgaria may lose 15 billion euros in EU funds. These conditions include the introduction of e-government, ensuring infrastructure for scientific research and innovations and taking actions to boost energy efficiency, the President further recalled in his statement. “Not a single euro is guaranteed – everything depends on us. Once again conducting reforms and fulfilling the assumed commitments by the end of 2016 are of key importance for achieving success – without any further postponement,” President Rosen Plevneliev was adamant.


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