The Head of State Held a Meeting with Members of the German Bundestag

2014-07-30 18:42:00

President Rosen Plevneliev received at 2 Dondukov street members of the CDU/CSU faction in the German Bundestag Dr. Hans-Peter Friedrich, deputy-president of CDU/CSU and former federal interior minister, Dr. Hans Peter Uhl, member of the Consultative Council with the President and of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the German Bundestag, and Dr. Bernd Fabritius, member of the Commission on European Issues and the Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid Commission in the Bundestag.

At the meeting the Head of State Rosen Plevneliev highlighted the significance of Germany as Bulgaria’s important strategic partner and emphasized the dynamics of the Bulgarian-German relations on all levels. The President informed the members of the delegation about the current political situation in our country and acquainted them with the most important accents in the work of the presidential institution.

Before the Head of State the German members of the Bundestag voiced their concern over the problems the German investors have been facing in the past year related to the inactivity of the institutions and the disregard of the principles of equality which creates a feeling of insecurity among the investors.

The diversification of the sources for the supply of energy resources for Bulgaria was highlighted at the talks. So was the necessity to bring in line the decisions on the strategic energy projects with the European legislation. The President and the German members of the Bundestag also exchanged opinions on the reforms in the Security sector and the judiciary, as well as on the problems caused by the stronger migration pressure. The mechanisms of European solidarity which our country can take advantage of were also discussed.

The President and the members of the Bundestag discussed the ongoing crisis in Ukraine and emphasized the necessity of a decisive and unified European policy in response to the ongoing violations of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine and its destabilization by Russia.

The German members of the Bundestag voiced their full support for the Head of State in his efforts to support the trust in the Bulgarian banking system, to restore the political stability in the country and improve the dialogue with the European institutions.


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