President Rosen Plevneliev Announced the Position of the Political Parties and Institutions that Took Part in the Consultations Held in the Head of State’s Office

2014-06-29 18:42:00
The political parties and institutions that took part in the consultations held in the Head of State’s office, agreed on the following issues:
1. The political parties and institutions that took part in today’s consultations declare their determination and readiness to ensure the necessary resource and implement all necessary measures to guarantee the bank stability in the country. The money of the people and companies deposited in Bulgaria’s banking institutions is safe and guaranteed. The banks will continue to operate in a normal regime. Bulgaria is an EU member-state, the Currency Board is stable and will be preserved until Bulgaria enters the euro-zone. 1.95583 Bulgarian lev will be equal to one euro until the Bulgarian lev is replaced by the euro. We have sufficient reserves, funds and mechanisms to thwart all attempts at destabilizing the country and we support every bank that is the target of attack. The political parties represented in the Bulgarian and European Parliament place the public interest and financial stability, as part of national security, above the divergent political opinions. They are pooling efforts to ensure stability and trust in the institutions and the economy. All necessary measures are taken in support of the bank and financial stability. Legislative amendments in support of the bank stability are underway. The international markets trust us, it is good if we also trust ourselves. The Bulgarian banking system is stable, well-regulated and capitalized. We neither have grounds nor reasons to be panic-stricken. There is no bank crisis, there is a crisis of trust and also a criminal attack has been launched. These should be overcome and the guilty ones should be prosecuted by applying strict laws. 
The political parties strongly condemn the spreading of rumors and false information regarding the financial institutions in Bulgaria. We expect that the law-enforcing bodies will show resolution and will soon produce results. Urgent actions should be taken to uncover and punish the perpetrators of this terrible act and those that have ordered it. We call on all people to remain calm and not unnecessarily withdraw their money from the banks. However, anyone who is willing to do so must be sure that the banks have the necessary resource available.     
2. The early general election for the 43rd National Assembly is to be held on 5 October 2014.
3. The political parties represented in parliament declare that it is impossible to form a new government within the incumbent 42nd National Assembly.
4. The timing of the resignation of the “Oresharski” government will be consistent with the time required by the Constitution for conducting consultations on the formation of a caretaker cabinet. By virtue of a Presidential decree, the 42nd National Assembly will be dissolved on 6 August 2014 and a caretaker government will be appointed.
5. Under the Bulgarian Constitution, the President assumes the responsibility for forming a caretaker government. Before forming the caretaker government the President will hold consultations with the political parties represented in the national and European parliament.
6. The consultations between the president, parliament, government and the political parties to ensure coordination and guarantee continuity and a smooth transition to the next government will continue.   
Dear ladies and gentlemen,  
I am proud of the constructive approach adopted by the leaders of the political parties represented in the Bulgarian and European parliament, of the dialogue they held, of the resolution and responsibility they showed to their mission. Before all of you and before all people I would like once again to thank them and wish them success. Although they are different, they support different causes – some of them are left-wing, others are right-wing, what they did today is important for Bulgaria. I would like to thank them and wish them success.
Thank you!       


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