President Radev in Tirana: The Security and Stability of the Whole of Europe Depends on the Full European Integration of the Western Balkans

2022-12-06 17:15:00

Without the full integration of the Western Balkan countries we cannot talk about security and stability of the whole of Europe, President Rumen Radev told journalists in Tirana, where he is representing Bulgaria at the EU-Western Balkans Summit. The President highlighted the energy security, economic development, as well as the migration pressure on Europe discussed during the forum.
Responding to a question about this country's accession to Schengen, the head of State called on the political forces in Bulgaria not to politicise the issue and not to use it for personal squabbles between party leaders. This Parliament should adopt the laws under the Recovery and Resilience Plan that concern the judicial reform, the head of State added. Rumen Radev pointed out that he also had the opportunity to discuss the issue with the leaders of the Netherlands and Austria. In his words, Bulgaria has all the chances to join Schengen next year, but this largely depends on how it will be handled at the diplomatic level and especially within Bulgaria. President Radev also stressed that in some EU member states there are accumulated prejudices that are very difficult to break and therefore there should be unity in the efforts of all institutions.
Asked about journalistic material by foreign media from the Bulgarian-Turkish border, the President said that a thorough verification of the allegations was being carried out. We have no facts, evidence or data that a shot was fired from Bulgaria, by a Bulgarian policeman at a migrant, Rumen Radev said. He pointed out that aggressive behaviour on the part of a large group of migrants, damage to a Border Police vehicle, as well as an injured Bulgarian policeman in the line of duty had been established.  
Referring to the Memorandum of Understanding signed today in Brussels by Bulgaria with the European Commission and the Eurogroup, Rumen Radev pointed out that this is a recognition of the policy of several governments for full European integration, as well as the efforts of the caretaker government to tackle the high inflation that Europe has not seen for many years. The efforts to ensure macro-financial stability are also recognised, Rumen Radev concluded.


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