The Head of State: The Caretaker Government Is Working to Increase Transparency in Institutions

2021-06-16 15:34:00

Ambassadors accredited to the country discussed issues regarding fighting corruption, the sanctions implemented under the Global Magnitsky Act and the European integration of the Republic of North Macedonia during a meeting with Mr. Rumen Radev

The Caretaker Government proved that ministers with different political beliefs can unite around clear principles, priorities and values. One of the priorities of this cabinet is to increase transparency in the work of institutions and revitalise public trust in them, stated President Rumen Radev during a working meeting at the National History Museum with the Ambassadors of the EU Member States, Switzerland, and the USA. Vice President Iliana Iotova and a representative of the European Commission to Bulgaria also took part in the meeting. The political situation in the country, fighting corruption, the upcoming hosting of the Three Seas Initiative by Bulgaria, as well as the European integration of the Republic of North Macedonia were among the topics discussed by the diplomatic representatives at the meeting.

The sanctions against Bulgarian natural persons and legal entities under the Global Magnitsky Act on behalf of the USA were also deliberated on during the talks. The President noted that the next Bulgarian Parliament will be expected to develop a legal framework, stipulating procedures and response approaches on behalf of institutions in such cases in the future. The Caretaker Government has already undertaken initial steps in this direction to avoid public funds being blocked and to protect the country’s banking sector. Mr. Rumen Radev called for the development of measures at a European level to avoid the blocking of European funds allocated to separate Member States.

Citizens demand tangible results in fighting large-scale corruption and expect a firm commitment on behalf of Bulgarian institutions and of our country’s partners to boosting justice and transparency, the President added. The former government’s spending of significant public funds through so-called in-house assignment instead of public procurement was also commented on. The Head of State described the decision of the European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs to send a mission to Bulgaria following the Global Magnitsky Act sanctions against Bulgarian persons and companies as a step in the right direction.

Establishing the Three Seas Initiative as a platform for active economic and investment partnership is important not only to Eastern European countries, but to achieving genuine social and economic cohesion within the European Union, declared the Head of State during the meeting. Mr. Rumen Radev noted the contribution of Bulgaria as a host in attracting Greece as a guest during the forum in Sofia, as well as for seeking intelligent solutions in the field of transport, energy and digital connectivity in the region through connecting research and development centres in the participating countries.

Bulgaria supports the European integration of the Republic of North Macedonia and the establishment of the country as a strong ally in NATO, Mr. Rumen Radev pointed out. The Head of State declared his appreciation of the positive signs over the past weeks in relations between Bulgaria and the Republic of North Macedonia and, above all, the restoration of high-level dialogue. The President expressed his hope for this dialogue to lead to concrete sustainable and irreversible results in bilateral relations with the Republic of North Macedonia and to lead to accelerating the European integration of our southwestern neighbour



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