President Rosen Plevneliev: the Values United Europe Shares are Questioned by Populist and Nationalist Parties
2016-05-18 10:59:00
The values United Europe shares are questioned by populist and nationalist parties, which take advantage of the people’s fear of the increased instability. We cannot afford to wait, to postpone or transfer our problems to the next generation. This is what Head of State Rosen Plevneliev said before the participants in the 126th session of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, which is held in Sofia under the chairmanship of Foreign Minister Daniel Mitov. This is the final session of the Bulgarian chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, which Estonia will take over.
“History teaches us that at times of hardship, we should assume responsibility, we should make decisions. Currently Europe should find an adequate response to the record number of crises and the extreme instability we are witnessing. We have the necessary tools, what we need is a will and courage to act,” President Plevneliev addressed the participants from the 47 member-states of the Council of Europe.
The Head of State said that Bulgaria took over the chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe at a difficult moment when the confrontation in Europe became more serious and the international environment – more insecure and unpredictable. “We became aware that what is most important for all of us is to confirm our common values, to strongly support the principles of democracy, the rule of law and human rights,” the President said.
Rosen Plevneliev emphasized that the Declaration on the Principles of European Unity and Cooperation adopted by the Standing Committee of PACE in Sofia in October 2015 is extremely important for Europe’s future. “We set the beginning. Currently it is important that we continue working so as to make possible the convening of a summit of the state and government leaders of the Council of Europe, where the member states will reconfirm the principles and values of united, democratic and peaceful Europe, on the highest state level,” the Bulgarian President called on for.
Rosen Plevneliev said that the Bulgarian chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers was successful and beneficial for Europe. The priorities set in the program of the chairmanship were fulfilled in the spheres of defending the child’s rights and those of the vulnerable groups and broadening the young people’s access to culture. Bulgaria hosted the high-level Council of Europe conference on the children’s rights, which was held in Sofia in April 2016 under the auspices of the Head of State.
“The unanimous adoption and the beginning of the implementation of the Council of Europe Sofia strategy for the rights of the child (2016-2021) is an enormous success of the Bulgarian chairmanship,” the President said. “The Sofia strategy for the rights of the child is the strong basis on which we will build European policies defending the most vulnerable and valuable members of our societies – the children. Whether defending their rights will be successful depends on our readiness to decisively face and solve problems such as the ongoing conflicts in the world, the marginalization of groups in our societies, poverty and social exclusion, youth unemployment,” President Plevneliev further emphasized.
The Head of State also highlighted the efforts made by the Bulgarian chairmanship in the sphere of strengthening the rule of law. “All of us should adhere to the standards of the Council of Europe related to the independence and impartiality of the judiciary,” President Rosen Plevneliev said and voiced his contentment with the consensus reached between all member states participating in the high level conference in Sofia on the Plan for strengthening judicial independence and impartiality in the period 2016 -2021, proposed by the Secretary General of the Council of Europe. “We will implement this plan, so as to boost the trust in the judiciary in our societies,” the Head of State was adamant.
The President voiced gratitude for the constructive attitude and the cooperation between the member states of the Council of Europe while fulfilling the priorities of the Bulgarian chairmanship and also for the efficient interaction with the Secretary General and all structures in the Council of Europe system.