President Rosen Plevneliev: Even the hardest yoke and hardship will not break our spirit and crush us

2015-08-22 21:01:00

Esteemed Mrs. Mayor,
Esteemed Mr. Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly,
Esteemed Assembly Deputies,
Esteemed District Governors,
Your Excellencies,
Dear Compatriots,

138 years after the epopee at Shipka, we, the grateful descendents, have gathered here again. We have gathered here to recall how in the most decisive moments of the Russian-Turkish liberation war the small number of volunteers and Russian squads prevented Suleiman pasha from reaching Pleven. How the volunteers barred the passage with their bodies and defended Bulgaria’s liberty to the very last moment. How with their self-sacrifice they lighted up the path of our revived homeland.

There is no higher peak in Bulgarian history, no clearer symbol of the indomitable will for the liberty of the Bulgarian people than the legendary Shipka, than these famous rocks soaked with the blood of the most worthy defenders of Bulgaria.

The epopee at Shipka is the crown of the centuries-old hopes and efforts of the Bulgarian people. Generations of representatives of the Bulgarian national revival built on the path to it. Shipka became possible because before it a small number of dreamers sparked off the April uprising, Botev and Levski walked their way to Golgotha, because Paisii wrote his “History…”Ultimately, it became possible because the Bulgarians grew up to be masters of their own destiny.

Dear Compatriots,
You should look closely at the bleached photos of the veteran volunteers.  You should closely look at their white hair, at their stately figure, wearing their volunteer’s uniform. Look at their eyes that convey a feeling of a fulfilled commitment.

“The forehead of the volunteer was crowned with a wreath of thorns – a chronicler of the epopee at Shipka once said – and he became a people’s martyr, who through suffering and hardships, with his blood shed on the rocks and the death he faced with songs, rose and secured the freedom of his homeland.”

The bright images of the Bulgarian volunteers should accompany us in our daily lives as a moral and worldly symbol. We should always remember that the foundations of New Bulgaria were laid with the will and self-sacrifice of these modest titans of spirit and action. Their road is our road, their legacy is our commitment.

We have assumed the responsibility to preserve the memory of the heroes and to pay tribute to their deeds in a worthy manner. I am proud that ever since I became patron of the celebrations at Shipka, with the efforts pooled together with the Initiative Committee and with the support of a lot of Bulgarians, the Eternal Fire monument was restored and a lot of initiatives marking the feat of our predecessors were carried out.

Dear Compatriots,
The spirit of the volunteers is alive and will live forever.

The epopee at Shipka showed that the Bulgarian will stand up and believe in their own strength at the most difficult moment and at times of the severest crisis. Even the hardest yoke and hardship will not break our spirit and crush us. We, Bulgarians, are good people with a strong and mighty spirit. At times of hardship we display our spiritual strength and stable moral principles. Such is the example set by the volunteers – proud and dedicated defenders of freedom and of the homeland. Such were the actions of our predecessors – they showed moral strength and humanness when they protected their brethren Jews from being sent to the death camps. Not accidentally a wise president said: “Bulgarians are modest, yet worthy people. It is better to face an economic crisis than a moral catastrophe.”

This is how we, contemporary Bulgarians, should act. In a modest yet worthy manner, showing a high morale and values. Our road is one of an ancient people which has a mission in the future. A mission related to peace and human development. A mission related to a modern and educated Bulgaria.

Our ideal is that of Levski for a pure and sacred republic. Our goal is to build a democratic law-governed state and a socially-responsible economy.

Our road is the European one. It is our commitment to show that Bulgarians are good people and they also have a strong and mighty spirit and are united and strong at times of hardship.

We should show that Bulgaria is a wonderful country, in which everyone who works hard and extols human virtues may achieve success.

Our generation has the moral strength and commitment to build a fair and prospering Bulgaria.

We should protect what is really important and valuable – the children, the family, our homeland and freedom.

We bow our heads to the memory and feat of the heroes!

Long live Bulgaria!


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