Statement Made by the Head of State after the Meeting of the Consultative Council for National Security regarding the state of the Bulgarian Armed Forces in the context of the current security environment

2015-04-27 14:05:00

Good morning and welcome to all!

I would like to brief you on the opinion expressed and proposal made by the Consultative Council for National Security regarding the state of the Bulgarian Armed Forces in the context of the current security environment. A broad political consensus was reached on this document at the regular Consultative Council for National Security, with the exception of the BSP and Ataka, which are not part of the decisions and the document.

The Consultative Council for National Security discussed the state of the Bulgarian Armed Forces and the prospects for their development in the context of the dynamically changing security environment. We are observing a lasting and long-term deterioration of the security environment in close proximity to our borders. The democratic community is facing a growing number of challenges related to guaranteeing the international legal order, based on the rule of law, the democratic values, human rights and freedoms. The negative trend towards aggravating the existing and emergence of new conflicts and crises is preserved. It has an impact on national security and requires developing adequate defense capabilities of the Bulgarian army and maintaining the respective level of combat readiness.

Defense and Armed Forces are a strategic priority for the state. Bulgaria’s NATO membership is the firmest guarantee for Bulgaria’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. As an ally, we are committed to contributing to fulfilling the common decisions adopted by NATO , which are targeted at the Alliance’s adaptation in the changing security environment.

NATO’s capabilities as a defense alliance are based on the capabilities of the member states. If one or a couple of the Alliance’s members fail to improve their defense capabilities and fulfill their commitments, this will have an impact on the Alliance as a whole.

After Bulgaria became a NATO member in 2004, our country assumed clear ally commitments. The Bulgarian army has more than once been highly appreciated for its participation in international NATO missions and operations in the world.  In compliance with NATO’s Capability Targets 2013, as a contribution to the collective defense until 2028, we assumed the commitment to achieve 55 targets, including the training of 50 units. This requires that Bulgarian Armed Forces should achieve the adopted capability targets so as to ensure interoperability with the armies of our allies.

At the NATO summit held in Wales in September 2014, we adopted a Readiness Action Plan, regarding the growing number of challenges the democratic community is facing.  This has been the most considerable strengthening of our collective defense for decades, which ensures the security of all allies. The Wales Plan aims at enhancing the combat readiness and efficiency of our Armed Forces and curbing the threats no matter where they come from.

At the NATO summit in 2014 a consensus was reached to halt the trend of cutting the defense investments and within a decade, that is, by 2024, each NATO member should reach a level of its defense budget worth 2 percent of the GDP, 20 percent of which should be allotted to investments in modernization. These two parameters are among the most important qualitative and quantitative measures of the individual state’s contribution to the Alliance’s collective defense.

The Plan on the Development of the Armed Forces until 2014 has already expired. A new review of defense is made with respect to the Armed Forces’ capabilities. New strategic documents are prepared.

The program for developing the capabilities of the Bulgarian Armed Forces developed by the Defense Ministry should be discussed and adopted by the government and the 43rd National Assembly as soon as possible. On the basis of this program, the Council of Ministers should work out a new “Plan for the development of Bulgaria’s Armed Forces.” The priority projects proposed in the program on modernizing the defense capabilities should be directed at reducing the Bulgarian Army’s lagging behind in technological terms and enhancing the interoperability with the allies.

The members of the Consultative Council for National Security support the principle of not cutting the defense budget as a percent from the GDP compared to its level in 2014 and a gradual increase until its reaches 2 percent of the GDP within a decade.  They agreed on the importance of the tasks the Bulgarian Army should perform in compliance with the Plan for Enhancing NATO’s Combat Readiness adopted at the Wales summit.

On the basis of the delivered report and the expressed opinions, the Consultative Council for National Security makes the following recommendations:

1. The Council of Ministers should table for discussing and adopting in the National Assembly a Program for the development of the defense capabilities of the Bulgarian Armed Forces. On the basis of the adopted program , the Council of Ministers should work out a new Plan for the development of the Bulgarian Armed Forces.

2. The Executive and legislative branches of power should ensure observing the principle of not cutting the funds allotted to defense as a percent of the GDP compared to 2014 and their gradual increase until they reach 2 percent of the GDP within a decade, with the exception of 2015, taking into account the contingent and extraordinary costs in the year.

3. The future investments in defense capabilities should meet the NATO standards, should be directed at enhancing the interoperability with the Allies depending on the state’s capacities.

I would like to thank all members of the Consultative Council for National Security for the responsible attitude they showed to the Bulgarian Army and the prospects for its modernization and armament. Although we are going through a difficult period, a record number of external and internal crises, it is an honor to me to work together with the representatives of the political parties represented in parliament, with the opposition and the representatives of the power holders in the National Assembly, with the government so that we can make responsible decisions and they can soon be implemented. A lot of debates are due to be held in Parliament, a program and a plan are due to be adopted, they will be concrete and clear. Today we adopted the principles that will help us step on a firm basis.

Thank you!


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