Rosen Plevneliev: The Polish Business Circles May Benefit from the Sectors with a High Added Value in Bulgaria

2014-11-19 10:55:00
The Polish business circles have the opportunity to make investments in a different Bulgaria, which in recent years has encouraged the economic sectors with a high added value and has achieved success. This is what President Rosen Plevneliev said, who attended a presentation of the opportunities for making investments in Bulgaria and the economic potential of our country that took place in the Stock Exchange in Warsaw.  The forum was opened by the deputy Prime Minister and Economy Minister Janusz Piechocinski.
In his statement the Bulgarian Head of State highlighted the high tech sector, car industry, energy, agriculture and food production and tourism as the most attractive sectors for investments in Bulgaria.
Bulgaria is reviving its tradition in the information and communication technologies sector and only in the past ten years it has managed to create 35,000 new jobs, Rosen Plevneliev said in his statement at the forum.  The Head of State emphasized that our country has managed to attract world leaders in this sector such as HP, Oracle, IBM, SAP and others.  “A mere couple of weeks ago an extremely successful Bulgarian company was acquired by an American software giant for almost 300 million US$,” the President said. 
The Head of State recalled that with the help of EU funding worth 50 million euros our country will launch its first innovation ecosystem “Sofia Tech,” which creates opportunities for the development not only of the Bulgarian companies, but also of the emerging companies in the region of Southeastern Europe. 
Bulgaria’s growing reputation as a producer of components for the car industry in the Balkans also creates opportunities for a mutually beneficial partnership, the President said. Germany is showing a great interest in the development of this sector and currently our country is working to implement the Auto Park Bulgaria project, the aim of which is to establish a car cluster in Northwest Bulgaria. Currently the production of components for the car industry in Bulgaria is worth 1.5 billion euros a year.
The Balkan region is working to ensure connectivity and integration and has an enormous potential for establishing successful business partnerships, President Plevneliev further highlighted. In the Head of State’s opinion, the East European countries should work not only to build the infrastructure that connects them with Western Europe, but also to realize the potential of the North-South transport and energy connections. One of these projects envisages connecting the harbor in Gdansk with the harbor in Thessalonica through a highway and a high-speed railway, which creates conditions for an accelerated economic exchange and development for the whole of Eastern Europe, the Head of State said.
In President Plevneliev’s words, Bulgaria’s strategic location near the emerging markets of the countries from the Black Sea region, is the reason for the willingness of a growing number of companies to settle in the Bulgarian industrial zones.
Bulgaria and Poland are part of a common market, which has almost 500 million consumers and the two countries must adequately react to the great competition pressure. Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski said that the success of the EU depends on establishing successful partnerships. The Polish Head of State reiterated that Bulgaria is a preferred partner and the representatives of the Polish business circles have an interest in expanding their positions in Bulgaria.  
Competitiveness depends on the producers’ opportunity to have access to cheap energy, which means having the chance to choose from more than one single supplier, President Komorowski further said. 
Within the forum the representatives of Polish companies working in Bulgaria shared their experience from their work in Bulgaria.        


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