Statement made by President Rosen Plevneliev on the occasion of the start of the election campaign for the election of MEPs from the Republic of Bulgaria
2014-04-25 13:43:00
Dear ladies and Gentlemen,
The elections for the European Parliament are upcoming. The election campaign is officially launched today. On 25 May 15 parties, six coalitions and four independent candidates will fight to win our trust. The participants in the upcoming elections will have the opportunity to present their platforms, ideas and visions for the development of Bulgaria and the European Union.
At the first direct elections for the European parliament in the distant 1979 the citizens of nine countries exercised their voting rights. This year 400 million voters from 28 countries will do so. The upcoming European Parliament elections are different because they are the first where the campaign starts with party nominations for President of the European Commission. For the first time people will be voting not just for party programs but also in support of individual
candidates for the highest positions in the EU. These are the first elections since the adoption of the Lisbon Treaty through which the EU embarked on a new integration phase.
It is in the traditions of the European democracies to leave aside the petty topics of routine problems to find an answer to the questions: “Where would we like to be in five years?”. Therefore our country should actively participate in the European debate, rather than be a passive observer who comments only their domestic policy problems. I call on the Bulgarian politicians to conduct a real high-quality debate on the European agenda. The Bulgarian citizens deserve it! We can contribute to the EU’s development by bringing in our ideas and our vision for the development of the Union. Real Bulgarian patriots left this goal for us - to find our place in united Europe. The Bulgarian nation is among the most pro-European ones and this commits the politicians in the upcoming campaign to have realistic messages and clear arguments so they could provide their citizens with the chance to make an informed choice. Trading in discrediting materials, the endless scandals, mudslinging is not a choice, but merely aims at making the people resent politics and refrain from voting!
The Bulgarian people have a right to hear clearly the position of each candidate. There are many specific issues on the European agenda. They provide each participant, no matter whether it is a party or an independent candidate, with the opportunity to outline their positions and differences and decide on whether they are for or against the membership in the euro zone and the banking union, or whether are they for or against the strengthening of political integration, the establishment of an energy union, and on how to strike the balance between the principles of the free market and solidarity. It is becoming increasingly clearer that there is a danger of the European Union splitting up into a center and periphery, of countries in the euro zone and those outside the zone of a common currency. For more or less integration, for enlargement or capsulation of the Union, for more or less Europe – these are general questions on which Bulgaria cannot remain silent.
History could be divided into pre- and post-Crimea Europe. There is a serious danger for the world to make a lasting return to the policies of the 19th century, with the Great Powers and the periphery. These are topics which determine our future – whether we will be in the “periphery” of the EU or in the “heart” of the Euro-integration processes, whether the Balkans as our common house will continue its course toward a peaceful and democratic development or they will be destabilized once and for all. Bulgaria should do more than declare itself against a two-track Europe and the Great Powers’ policy which Russia is pushing through and in which the Great Powers have their inherent interests and determine the fate of the small, the weak and those in the periphery. It depends on all of us whether through the solutions to the big issues about our European future, we will become the engine of a positive change toward a stronger and more integrated European Union, which is the only chance each of the member states stands of becoming a factor on the global scene. The strength of united Europe lies in the fact that both the small and big countries have their place, and can voice their opinion. Bulgaria is a full-fledged EU member state and the Bulgarian politicians should overcome the opposition between “the old and new EU member states”, between “rich and poor economies”, between “small and big nations” by displaying the adequate attitude, by being more active and more constructive. This will not happen if passivity, pessimism and low self-esteem is displayed, or if we wait for the bigger and richer countries to show condescendence and provide help. Bulgaria can and should add value to the European Union, moreover at a decisive moment, not sit silently and play the role of somebody’s Trojan horse.
The parties are in debt to their voters not only because they have failed to clearly define their positions on the important issues of our membership. Even where consensus has been achieved, it has not been disclosed for the sake of the currently convenient political confrontation. Politicians are in debt to the active citizens also because in the election debates there are no positive programs, specific solutions of how to achieve the desired goals. So far we see only the trading of accusations of incompetence and failure. We should not allow ourselves, whether individually or united, to fail to realize the opportunities that EU membership offers us.
There is no way to avoid the issues about the economic crisis and unemployment in the election campaign. However, seeking temporary solutions at the national level to these issues means closing our eyes to the big problems. It is important that each party should clearly present its positions regarding the possible common measures the EU should take to reduce unemployment, above all by guaranteeing youth employment, by removing the hindrances to education and work abroad, by improving the business environment and by encouraging entrepreneurship and the small and medium-sized enterprises, not the oligarchy. The European Commission defined the introduction of a dual system in professional education as a basic mechanism for a quick transition from school to the first workplace. Therefore the candidates should voice their commitment to spreading this system in Europe and implementing it in Bulgaria as soon as possible.
Thanks to Bulgaria’s EU membership, as well as to the consensus reached in the President’s Office in February 2014, Bulgaria adopted a leading strategic document and plan for long-term development, namely the Bulgaria 2020 National Program for Development. Without European solidarity and the Partnership Agreement with the European Commission, there will be no Bulgaria 2020. A debate should also be held in this sphere and the candidates should clearly state their positions. Today we are again in an election situation and again a lot of promises will be made. I call for displaying realism and honesty. We should promise only what we can fulfill.
Before we are overwhelmed by the flood of campaign messages, all of us need to assess the expectations of Bulgarian voters and understand how they see the upcoming elections for the European Parliament. The European Parliament makes important decisions which affect our everyday lives. Bulgaria can set the agenda of the next European Parliament. This depends on the political parties and their candidates. Over a million Bulgarians live and work in EU member states. Since the beginning of 2014 all restrictions for Bulgarians working and staying in a country have been lifted and we should take the utmost advantage of the common European market. Every Bulgarian citizen has already started feeling the benefit from our European membership. We should realize that a big part of our everyday lives and of the surrounding environment is changing thanks to the EU. I am sure that from now on the positive aspects will multiply and the beneficial effect will become more tangible. We should live up to these expectations taking into consideration the national interests and assuming responsibility to statehood.
Voter turnout directly depends not only on what topics and positions politicians offer, but also on their attitude. The ambition to dissuade the mass voter so as to control the hard core brings no positive results. Such a “success” is illusionary. We should have personal attacks and hatred and strong political confrontation give way to nationally responsible messages. I call on the participants in the election campaign to hold a tolerant and constructive debate.
I called for holding the national referendum on electoral rights, which I initiated together with
the forthcoming elections for the European Parliament. Thus we would considerably combine the benefits of the direct and representative democracy and would considerably increase voter turnout. A civilian initiative committee managed to collect more than 570,000 signatures in a mere couple of weeks. Unfortunately the power holders are pretending not to notice the referendum and the citizens.
I believe that Bulgaria can be a modern and prospering country only in a strong and integrated European Union. We are to take part in elections that will determine Europe’s future and our future. We are speaking of Bulgaria’s place in our common house – because Europe encompasses all of us.
If we hold a high-quality debate and the citizens massively participate in it, we will give an example that we take into consideration the public will and voice. We should do so for the sake of our own democracy! We should do so for the sake of Europe!
Thank you for your attention. I wish you a nice day.