Opinion and proposals of the Consultative Council for National Security regarding the risks posed to Bulgaria arising from the development of the crisis in Ukraine
2014-03-24 14:50:00
The Consultative Council for National Security discussed the development of the crisis in Ukraine and the ensuing risks for Bulgaria.
The Republic of Bulgaria is acting as an EU and NATO member state and takes into account its national interest. Bulgaria is making efforts to ensure that the Union adopts a unified stance on the crisis in Ukraine.
The Republic of Bulgaria supports the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of Ukraine. The referendum conducted in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea on 16 March violated the international law and the constitution of Ukraine and therefore the Republic of Bulgaria does not recognize its results.
The members of the Consultative Council for National Security call on all sides involved in the crisis to stop all provocations and to refrain from violating international law. The deployment of a mission of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe to Ukraine is an important step to guarantee the peaceful solution of the conflict and that the international community will be able to protect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine.
Bulgaria supports the signing of the political part of the Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine, as well as the signing of the economic part after free and democratic presidential elections are held in Ukraine.
The Consultative Council for National Security insists that the Ukrainian authorities uphold the rights and freedoms of all citizens, including those belonging to different ethnic and religious minorities, among which is the 300,000-strong Bulgarian community.
The crisis in the Russian-Ukrainian relations yet again puts to the test the economic and energy security of the country.
The Consultative Council for National Security believes that the diversification of the gas supplies, speeding up the construction of inter-connectors with neighboring countries and the development of gas deposits in the Black Sea shelf in the shortest possible terms is a national priority which has no alternative.
With regard to the development of the situation in Ukraine, the Consultative Council for National Security makes the following recommendations:
First, the Security Council at the Council of Ministers and the National Headquarters for monitoring the situation in Ukraine should monitor and analyze the processes that generate risks to the country’s security and should take the necessary counter-measures in due time.
Secondly, the executive branch of government should take action to preclude the possibility for disrupting the gas supplies, should speed up the construction of the inter-connectors and provide the necessary reserve that will enable the country to overcome a possible energy crisis.
Third, the Bulgarian institutions should maintain an active dialogue with the Bulgarian communities in Ukraine and provide the necessary assistance to them.
Fourth, supporting the efforts the Bulgarian government has made so far, the Consultative Council for National Security recommends that in subsequent discussions in the EU, the Council of Ministers should put forward Bulgaria’s position, taking into account the risks for Bulgaria, including the economic ones arising from the development of the crisis.
The document that was adopted by a broad consensus with the exception of the Parliamentary Party Attack.