A Functioning Legal System is the Key to Ensuring Investments and Economic Growth

2014-01-30 19:30:00
A functioning legal system is the key to ensuring investments and economic growth. This is the opinion shared by President Rosen Plevneliev and Dr. Winfried Bausback, justice minister of Bavaria.  The two held talks in Munich, where the Head of State is on a working visit. Dr. Christoph  Shrotz, prosecutor general of Bavaria, took part in the meeting. 
President Rosen Plevneliv said that the Bulgarian people are hoping to see a change in the institutions so that they work in their interest. In his opinion, such a change can be effected if e-government is introduced, which will curb corruption and ensure greater transparency. “Although we are reforming our legal system, what is most important is that the people feel that it is efficient and produces results,” the President said. 
According to Christoph  Shrotz, prosecutor general of Bavaria, consistency and continuity are necessary for a reform to be successful. The justice minister recalled that many elements of Bulgaria’s justice system have been borrowed from the German and many Bulgarian lawyers have a university degree from German universities.  Shrotz called on for continuing the many-year cooperation because it works well.
On 31 January President Rosen Plevneliev’s working visit to Munich will continue with meetings held with the leadership of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bavaria and with the Minister of European Affairs and Regional Connections of Bavaria. Later the Head of State will take part in the official opening of the Security Conference which celebrates its 50th anniversary, which will be held in the capital of Bavaria.


Rumen Radev: The Position of the B9 that Each Country Should Decide Whether and How to Provide Assistance to Ukraine According to Its Capacity Is in Support of Common Sense and Focuses on the Search for a Solution to Achieve Peace through Negotiations

11 June 2024 | 15:03
Bulgaria will continue to develop its own defence capacity and strengthening the deterrent and defence potential of NATO's eastern flank, the president stressed in Riga before the B9 summit

Rumen Radev: Bulgarian Institutions Must Work for Consolidated National Policy in Support of Our Compatriots Abroad

3 June 2024 | 14:02
The head of state awarded Ivan Nikolov, a prominent figure of the Bulgarian national minority in the Republic of Serbia, with the Stara Planina Order, First Class

Head of State Rumen Radev held a meeting with IOC President Thomas Bach

27 May 2024 | 22:10
Bulgaria highly appreciates the readiness of the International Olympic Committee to support the efforts and ambition of our country to host the Youth Winter Olympic Games. This was stated by Head of State Rumen Radev at a meeting with IOC President Thomas Bach, which took place at the organization's headquarters in Lausanne.

Cooperation in Education, Science and High Technologies Remains a Priority for Bulgaria and Switzerland

27 May 2024 | 18:06
President Rumen Radev met in Bern with the head of state of the Swiss Confederation, Viola Amherd







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