
The Head of State Before ASEM: Southeast Europe May Achieve a Lot More to Encourage the Trade Exchange Between Europe and Asia

16 October 2014 | 17:05
The region of Southeast Europe is the strategic bridge which connects Europe and Asia and may achieve a lot more to encourage the trade exchange between the two continents. This is what President Rosen Plevneliev said in his statement at the first session devoted to stimulating the economic cooperation within the framework of the 10th Europe-Asia (ASEM) summit which is held in Milan.

President Plevneliev: Ensuring a Connection Between Industry, Science and Education is Extremely Important

14 October 2014 | 15:03
“Bulgaria’s membership in CERN raises the professional level of our scholars, engineers and computer specialists. I am convinced that Bulgaria has found the correct mechanisms ensuring that through science and education we can show that the Bulgarian talent can offer something to the world. However, above all I would like Bulgaria and the Bulgarians to see the result of the labor of our scholars.” This is what President Plevneliev said during his visit in CERN within the framework of his official visit to Switzerland.

The Head of State: Bulgaria Has Become a Preferred Destination for Making Investments in High Technologies

13 October 2014 | 18:06
In the past years Bulgaria has become a preferred destination for setting up companies or opening outsourcing centers of leading firms in the high technologies sector, such as HP, SAP, IBM, Cisco, Oracle, R&M. This is what President Rosen Plevneliev said at a business forum attended by approximately 70 representatives of the Swiss business circles in Bern.

President Plevneliev in Bern: Bulgaria Envisages Developing the System of Vocational Education and Training

13 October 2014 | 16:04
In the 2014-2020 strategy worked out by the Ministry of Education and Science a month ago, Bulgaria envisages developing the system of vocational education and training. This is what President Rosen Plevneliev said during his visit to the Commercial Industrial Vocational School in Bern. The school is the largest one of its kind in Switzerland, where the Head of State is on a two-day official visit.

Switzerland Will Finance a Pilot Project for Introducing Vocational Education in Bulgaria

13 October 2014 | 16:04
Switzerland will finance a project worth CHF 3.5 million francs aimed at improving professional education in Bulgaria, which is part of the Bulgarian-Swiss cooperation program worth 63 million euros. This became clear after the meeting held between President Rosen Plevneliev and the Swiss Head of State Didier Burkhalter in Bern. The Bulgarian Head of State is on a two-day visit to Switzerland.







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