15 October 2012 | 17:05
President Rosen Plevneliev today called for simplification of the rules governing European contracts, for standardization of contracts and continuation of the process of decentralisation. He was speaking in Plovdiv at the eight annual meeting of local authorities in Bulgaria.
14 October 2012 | 15:03
Bulgarian Aviation needs new equipment, better training facilities for pilots and more fuel for aircraft, President Rosen Plevneliev said today in Krumovo, where he opened a new exhibition of the Museum of Aviation.
12 October 2012 | 13:01
The referendum is a test for democracy. The first democratic referendum in the history of Bulgaria is very important and it is the duty of politicians is to deal with it very responsibly. This referendum should be held in the interest of citizens. It will set the direction for future referendums – whether as a powerful tool of democracy for the voice of the people to be heard or referendums as a platform for political opposition and political battles.
12 October 2012 | 12:12
“Nobody can rehabilitate totalitarianism and no one can any longer hold power in their hands, which prohibits the truth”. This was said yesterday by President Rosen Plevneliev, who opened a multimedia exhibition at the building of the Archives State Agency entitled “Bulgaria 1944-1989, the forbidden truth”.