15 March 2013 | 17:05
The EU member states the youth unemployment of which exceeds 25-percent should implement measures to stimulate youth employment using funds from the available structural instruments and from the European social fund in the current programming period. This is what President Rosen Plevneliev proposed at the European Council summit which ended today. The high youth unemployment rate in the European Union was the basic topic debated at the EU summit in which the Bulgarian head of state...
14 March 2013 | 18:06
The caretaker government, with its expert potential and positions, has gained the trust of the European institutions, President Rosen Plevneliev told journalists in Brussels before the summit of the European Council, which will be held this evening in the Belgian capital. The head of state emphasized once again that in the transition period in the run-up to the early general election the president’s office will continue to be the institution that guarantees stability and continuity in Bulgaria’s governance.
12 March 2013 | 17:05
On 13 March by virtue of a decree President Rosen Plevneliev will appoint a caretaker cabinet with Prime Minister Marin Raykov. By virtue of another decree the head of state will adjourn the National Assembly on 15 March and will schedule early general election for 12 May. In the Coat of Arms hall at 2 Dondukov boulevard the head of state announced the prime minister and the members of the caretaker government. “I have not allowed anyone to pressure me and I have disregarded the party affiliations,” the President said in a joint statement with Marin Raykov.
12 March 2013 | 17:05
From tomorrow onwards Bulgaria will be governed by a caretaker government for the third time in its democratic history. It is precisely at difficult times that caretaker governments have brought peace to the nation and set the right direction for recovering from the crisis. I do believe that now the situation will be the same.
10 March 2013 | 15:03
Europe’s strength lies in the fact that we can solve the problems together and create a common market with common rules for a democratic and prospering community. This is what Rosen Plevneliev said at the debate titled “What keeps Europe together?” which was held today in Vienna. The European Union is not an “accounting union for the EU funds” and is not simply a common market. “It is a union of values and democratic states which build their future together,” the head of state emphasized at the forum held in Vienna’s Burgtheater.